Starting in August and running through summer 2025, the Gibson D. Lewis Library will undergo significant renovations. The library renovation is part of HSC’s overall capital improvement plan to address ongoing needs for space expansion and modernization, including the incorporation of emerging technology. This also will ensure the space meets the needs of students now and into the future.
The project will increase the number of individual small study rooms from nine to 34, as well as offer improved group workspaces. New furniture, lighting and flooring will be added along with upgrades to ensure compliance with the latest ADA and fire code regulations.
During the renovation, study space in the library will remain available. We also are designating additional campus locations to continue fostering collaborative and quiet study spaces for students. Reservations are not required to access additional study space during the hours posted below. Signage will be posted in the library to keep the HSC campus aware of the phases of the renovation and areas impacted by the renovation. As part of our shared HSC Values, HSC team members should treat all shared spaces with respect to promote a pleasant experience for everyone using them. Custodial services schedules will be updated to include the adjusted study space schedules.
Likewise, the room reservation system is updated to reflect the changes. We will do our best to accommodate all requests in the room reservation system during this important renovation.
For assistance with library-related matters:
For all project updates and a list of alternative study spaces, visit 2024/2025 Renovations.