Course reserves are materials, print or electronic, designated for a specific academic course or other use. Materials are put on course reserve by library staff at the request of the instructor. Physical materials on reserve have shorter loan periods than other library materials to allow access to a high volume of library patrons. Electronic course reserves are accessible through Canvas via LIST IT @ HSC and can be renewed each academic year. Electronic course reserves support affordable textbook and open educational initiatives by providing access to materials via library subscriptions, fair use, and open access.

LIST IT @ HSC is an electronic course reserves and reading list management system that integrates copyright compliance and acquisitions into one tool. This allows for meaningful collaboration between faculty and librarians when selecting course resources, resulting in large student cost savings. LIST IT @HSC promotes student learning outcomes and equity by providing access to Open Education Resources (OER) and library resources through Canvas at the point of instruction.
LIST IT @ HSC electronic course reserves can include multiple item formats including:
- Articles
- Videos
- Webpages
- Electronic book chapters
- Digitized materials (library will verify copyright)
- Print materials (links will be provided to show library availability or purchasing options)
Course Reserves & Copyright
Course reserves can help mitigate copyright risk on campus. Part of the course reserves process is a copyright risk assessment performed by qualified library staff. Should copyright risk be found, course instructors will be contacted and presented with alternative options for course materials or fair use guidelines. For more information on copyright please visit UNT HSC’s Guide on Copyright or book an appointment.
How it works
Course instructors may submit course reserve requests via the form linked below. Requests will require submission of the information listed below:
- course syllabus
- complete list of course instructional materials
- expected student enrollment
Requests are processed in the order received. Course reserves may take up to 2 weeks to process depending on the number of resources and the requested detail.
and a little Something Extra
Library staff can also help identify and suggest alternate course materials and OER for use in the classroom if requested content cannot be obtained.

Submit your syllabus today!
have questions? Contact Us
Contact us for more information, support, or course reserves examples.