Better Together
What is Digital Scholarship?
Digital Scholarship is any scholarly activity that centers on materials born digital or those that have been converted from analog to digital. These activities include, but are not limited to, data analysis and visualization, publication, and preservation in online repositories. Topics related to digital scholarship include open access (OA), open educational resources (OER), digital rights management (DRM), copyright, and licenses that define use and reuse. Inclusion and utilization of new tools for instructional design and digital research methods specific to online delivery are fundamental aspects. Closely aligned with open science and digital humanities, digital scholarship supports the creation, dissemination, and curation of modern scholarship.
Explore our digital scholarship services
Copyright education and guidance in Fair Use, Creative Commons Licensing, Public Domain, and Author Rights
Publishing Support
Learn about the library’s “Read and Publish” agreements, and other ways that HSC affiliates can be supported in their scholarly publication endeavors
Distinguish yourself in the community of scholars and researchers worldwide
Global access to our OA repository of 5,000+ items, comprised of HSC dissertations, oral histories and more
Open Education Resources (OER)
OER provide/ensure more equitable access to learning, teaching and research materials for the HSC community and others
HSC Fort Worth Data Repository
HSC’s open access repository for research and scholarly data
Open Digital Projects
Oral Histories
The oral history collection consists of recorded interviews of historical information found only in the memories of individuals who have either witnessed or participated in the development of the UNT Health Science Center and the osteopathic profession in Texas.
Open Data vs. Open Science
What is Open Data?
Open Data is data that can be freely used, re-used, and shared by anyone via attribution and ShareAlike practices. Open data should be scrubbed of personally identifiable information.
UNTHSC provides free access to the DMPTool , a web-based tool that helps you construct your data management plan. The DMPTool provides funding agency-specific templates, like one for the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan policy, to ensure you are meeting specific funder data management requirements .
What is different with Open Science?
Open science is a process that combines various movements and practices aiming to make multilingual scientific knowledge openly available, accessible and reusable for everyone, to increase scientific collaborations and sharing of information for the benefits of science and society, and to open the processes of scientific knowledge creation, evaluation and communication to societal actors beyond the traditional scientific community.