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Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID or ORCID iD), is a free, unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. An ORCID uniquely identifies a researcher in the same way that an ISBN identifies a book or a DOI identifies a journal article.

ORCID has two components: a 16-digit number that you attach to all your research activities and an associated record (sometimes called a profile) that contains information about you and your scholarly activities. Your 16-digit ORCID becomes a URL that links to your ORCID record, where you control what information is private or public. Here is an example of an ORCID number and record: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097

Get your ORCID

The best time to get your ORCID is when you begin your research, scholarship, and innovation activities. You can register for an ORCID for free at ORCID.org and add information to your profile regarding your education, employment, other names that you’ve used, and list of your scholarly activities (articles, peer review activities, Datasets and more). For more information, watch A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record, a three-minute discussion of information you can add to an ORCID record or visit ORCID for Researchers, a concise guide to the benefits of ORCID.

Additional Resources

ORCID for Researchers is a concise guide to the benefits of ORCID for researchers

ORCID 101 for Individuals is a four-minute overview of ORCID

What is ORCID? Is a four-minute video about how ORCID distinguishes you from others

A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record is a three-minute discussion of information in an ORCID record

NIH Notice Number NOT-OD-19-109 discusses ORCID requirements for NIH investigators and awardees

SciENcv: Integrating with ORCID discusses how to save time using ORCID with SciENcv