The Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library is a mission-driven institution that is committed to the support of the teaching, research, service, and patient care activities at UNTHSC. While we will go to great lengths to serve our patrons, we recognize that the smooth functioning of the library rests in part on adherence to a well structured set of operating policies. Our policies are designed to facilitate service with a minimum of constraint and to foster an environment conducive to advanced study and research.
Visit UNT Health Science Center Policies for more information.

Related Policies
- Collection Development Guidelines (PDF)
- Video Surveillance Guidelines
- Policy on Law Enforcement and Third-Party Requests for Library Records That Identify Patron Information, page 5 of UNTHSC 1.105 Records Management (PDF)
- UNTHSC 2.110 Minor(s) on Health Science Center Property (PDF)
- UNTHSC 4.201 Facilities Use (PDF)
- UNTHSC 6.201 Library Use (PDF)
- UNTHSC 8.103 Intellectual Property (PDF)