Renovation construction will commence on the 3rd floor on Wednesday, January 15, at 9pm. As this begins, library users can opt to study on the Quiet Floor (4th), or one of the alternative study spaces on campus. The Discovery Room (LIB 311) will be closed during the duration of the renovation. Offices and University Archives will still be accessible. Contact to schedule an appointment.

main floor reopens fully furnished

We’re looking forward to unveiling the renovated 2nd floor, complete with updated flooring and carpeting, revamped staircase handrails, and new study tables, booths, and seating.
This floor is scheduled to re-open, fully furnished, on Tuesday, February 11. In the meantime, LIB 222 continues to be available (unless otherwise scheduled for special event) as a study space, and the color printer, locker system, and rolling dry-erase boards can also be found in that room.
More Renovation updates
Once the main/second floor has re-opened, the fourth floor (Quiet Study) will close for renovation on Wednesday, February 12. The HSC Food Pantry and the Reflection Room will not be available at Lewis Library during the final phases of the renovation. The HSC Food Pantry will still be available at Student Services Center, RM 180, Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm.
For your convenience at this time:
- The B&W Printer is now located on the main/second floor, across from the restrooms.
- Lewis Library Lockers will remain in LIB 225 until the building’s lobby is complete.
- Five manipulation tables will be available for use on the main/second floor.
- Three manipulation tables will be available for use in EAD 110 (lounge across from Luibel Hall).
- Manipulation tables are also available for checkout in Self-Service Checkout at Lewis Library.