Open Access Repository
UNTHSC Scholar is an open access repository of the intellectual output and publicly available materials of the university. UNTHSC Scholar provides stable access to data, highlights community partnerships and engagement, and enables discovery of these works by the international scientific community. It preserves the history, growth and innovation of the University of North Texas Health Science Center as an institution. UNTHSC Scholar currently contains almost 6,000 items from the UNTHSC community.
Collections on UNTHSC Scholar
UNTHSC Scholar offers open access to the intellectual output and publicly available materials of the university. Individual items have been downloaded thousands of times and entire collections have downloads in the hundreds of thousands.
TCOM and UNTHSC Oral History Collection
The Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) was the first osteopathic medical school in Texas. The collection offers rich details about the early days of the school as told through the voices of key players in its development, including the very first TCOM employee, Mr. C. Ray Stokes, and the namesake of our campus library, Mr. Gibson D. Lewis. The project consists of 65 recorded oral histories.
Theses and Dissertations
Theses and dissertations from the School of Biomedical Sciences and School of Public Health, dating back to 1994, offer open access to the research output of our students and have been downloaded more than 260,000 times.
Research Appreciation Day Programs and Abstract Books
Research Appreciation Day (RAD) is an institutional tradition encompassing medicine, public health and basic science. The program provides an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to share their research efforts with the campus community and the public. The collection contains programs and abstract books for the event starting in 1993. The books feature every abstract presented at each event, details about distinguished keynote speakers, and other details. Together, the books offer a fascinating story of research at HSC.
Archived Course Catalogs
Course catalogs from 1974 -2013 provide an historical view of educational offerings from several schools including Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health and School of Health Professions.
Impact of UNTHSC Scholar

Student theses and dissertations have been downloaded more than 260,000 times since 2010

Unique oral histories document the founding of the first osteopathic medical school in Texas

Research Appreciation Day Abstracts from have been viewed more than 175,000 times since 2019
Deposit your Work
Deposit your work in UNTHSC Scholar and increase its reach and impact on the scientific community.