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Brook Amen, MSIS

Associate Director, Education, Research & Engagement

I provide research and education support for College of Nursing.

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Melissa Brand, MSIS

Research & Education Librarian

I provide research and education support for College of Pharmacy and College of Public Health.

Lauren Camarillo, Research & Education Librarian

Lauren Camarillo, MSLIS

Research & Education Librarian

I provide research and education support for College of Health Professions.

Megan Horn's profile picture.

Megan Horn, MLS, MEd

Acquisitions & Electronic Resources Librarian

I provide support for the Interlibrary Loan services and Lewis Library’s physical and electronic resources.

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Kayleen Lam, MLS

Research & Education Librarian

I provide research and education support for Center for Health Policy.

Tom Lyons 2018 Profile Picture

Tom Lyons, MSIS

Metadata Librarian

I provide metadata support for UNTHSC Scholar and HSC Fort Worth Data Repository.

Elizabeth Speer profile picture

Elizabeth Speer, MLS, MEd

Associate Director, Digital Scholarship

I provide support in copyright, open education, course reserves, publishing, & data management.

Charlotte Vandervoort

Charlotte Vandervoort, MLS

Research & Education Librarian

I provide research and education support for the College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences and Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Profile picture of Madi Wright

Madi Wright

Research and Education Librarian

I provide research and education support for College of Nursing.