Category: Bookish Besties Book Club

  • Bookish Besties (September 2024)

    Bookish Besties (September 2024)

    Lewis Library’s non-academic book club, open to faculty, staff, and students. The Bookish Besties meet the last Tuesday of every month virtually and in-person to discuss books nominated and selected (majority vote) by attendees. We aim to foster an inclusive space to thoughtfully consider major themes and share ideas about each book’s message. To join…

  • Book Club Interest Meeting

    Book Club Interest Meeting

    Join Lewis Library for a Book Club Interest Meeting! We aim to create a space where book enthusiasts gather to explore literature beyond the confines of medical and academic realms. Fiction and non-fiction reads welcome! This meeting aims to gauge interest and establish the foundation of our book club. We will discuss future meeting times/dates,…