In order to promote a safe environment, Lewis Library employs video monitoring in certain areas of the building. The library recognizes the need to strike a balance between the institution’s duty to promote a safe environment for all patrons and the individual’s right to be free from invasion of privacy. To that end, Lewis Library follows these guidelines:
1. Lewis Library uses video monitoring to:
a) Promote a safe environment by deterring acts of harassment or assault.
b) Deter theft and vandalism and assist in the identification of individuals who commit damage to University property.
c) Assist law enforcement agencies with regard to the investigation of any crime that may be depicted.
d) Assist in the operations of the library, including emergency response.
2. Signs will be posted in the library building informing the general public of the usage of video surveillance.
3. Selected staff will have access to the real time monitors, although activity will only be randomly monitored. Personal information viewed from the cameras shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law.
4. The focus of cameras used in video surveillance will not cover areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
5. No audio recordings are made by the library’s video monitoring system.
Last updated May 12, 2015