Heath Bytes with region 3
Health Bytes with Region 3 is a monthly web conference presented by the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 3 on various topics of interest to health sciences librarians and others. The webinar highlights topics such as NLM databases, subject specific resources, and technology topics.
To view previous Health Bytes with Region 3 webinars, please see our YouTube playlist.
The webinar content you’ve known and trusted for years will now be available in this new, additional audio format beginning March 22, 2023.
- Podcasts are eligible for 1 MLA CE
- New episodes drop the 4th Wednesday of each month.
- Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you stream audio.
To register for upcoming Health Bytes with Region 3 webinars, please visit the NNLM Training Calendar.

The Round-up Newsletter
NNLM Region 3’s newsletter contains information about upcoming training and funding opportunities, interesting projects from around the region, details about our staff and partners, and so much more! Newsletters are distributed quarterly via our email list. They’re a great way to stay up-to-date with our offerings.
Want to receive our newsletter? Sign up for our email list.
Year 4

Year 3

Year 2

Year 1

Email Courses

NLM Tools for the Research Data Lifecycle
Over six lessons, learners will explore freely available NLM tools that support data sharing, data analysis, and research dissemination. Each lesson focuses on a stage of the research data lifecycle, and recommended tools to better support biomedical research. Sign up to receive a short lesson via email every few days, over the course of a couple of weeks.