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Product Guides

The NNLM Product Guides all include a brief description, popular uses, key points, potential predicaments, teaching examples, real-life examples, and links to more resources. The product guides are primarily for people in instruction or training roles such as librarians, faculty leads, or mentor researchers. The guides provide instructors with examples and ideas for teaching people about NLM products.

NNLM Product GuideGuide Description
BLASTThis resource finds regions of similarity between biological sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and provides statistical information that helps identify biologically meaningful similarities.
BookshelfBookshelf is integrated with PubMed and features several thousand books, peer-reviewed biomedical literature, and full-text content. The site includes monographs, government publications, encyclopedias, statistical works, textbooks, handbooks, and other forms of grey literature.
ClinicalTrials.gov (PDF)ClinicalTrials.gov is a website and online database of human clinical research studies and information about the study results.
DailyMedDaily Med allows people to look at U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling for prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, cosmetics, supplements, and other health products for humans and animals.
Dataset CatalogThe Dataset Catalog is a freely available catalog of biomedical datasets from various repositories for users to search, discover, retrieve, and connect with datasets to accelerate scientific research. Currently, the Dataset Catalog includes metadata for 80,000 datasets across four repositories; dbGap (genotypes and phenotypes), ImmPort (clinical study and trial data) and the more generalist repositories Dryad, and Harvard Dataverse.
History of MedicineThe NLM History of Medicine collects, preserves, makes available, and interprets for diverse audiences one of the world’s richest collections of historical material related to health and disease. Spanning ten centuries, the collection encompasses a variety of digital and physical formats, and originating from nearly every part of the globe.
iCiteiCite analyzes bibliometric information at the article, author, and institutional level. The Influence module looks at metrics, such as number of publications and citation statistics that are field adjusted and benchmarked to NIH publications. 
LactMedLactMed is an online database that provides peer-reviewed information on over 1,600 drugs and chemicals that breastfeeding people and their infants may be exposed to.
MedlinePlusMedlinePlus is a free, online health information resource, available in English and Spanish. This site offers patient-friendly information on general health and wellness topics, descriptions of medical tests, and a medical encyclopedia with over 4,000 articles.
MedPixMedPix is a free, open-access, online database of medical images, teaching cases, and clinical topics. This resource includes over 12,000 patient case scenarios; 9,000 topics; and nearly 59,000 images. The content is organized by disease location (organ system), pathology category, patient profiles, and by image classification and image captions.
MeSH MeSH is a controlled, hierarchically organized vocabulary that consists of over 30,000 main headings and more are added with each yearly update.
NIH CDE The NIH CDE Repository is a repository of common data elements (CDEs) recommended or required for use by NIH Institutes and Centers. The CDEs in the NIH CDE Repository provide standards for how medical questionnaires or surveys are structured so that questions and responses are captured in a consistent way across different studies, organizations, and disciplines.
NIH Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthNCCIH is one of the 27 institutes, centers, and offices that comprise the National Institutes of Health. The center focuses on advancing scientific research on complementary medicine and the integrative health of the whole person. Researchers, healthcare providers, and the general public can find helpful, up-to-date information about approaches to wellness that consider the whole person.
NIH Comparative Genomics ResourceNIH CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses, including the study of structure, function, evolution, and mapping of eukaryotic genomes. NIH CGR is a collaboration with research and genomics communities and is led by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
NIH Manuscript SubmissionThe NIHMS system facilitates the submission of peer-reviewed manuscripts for inclusion in PubMed Central in support of the NIH Public Access Policy.
NLM Digital CollectionsDigital Collections provides access to the National Library of Medicine’s distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care, and the history of medicine. The content in Digital Collections is freely available and, unless otherwise indicated, in the public domain.
NLM ExhibitionsExhibitions explore the relationship between medicine and the arts, science and society, patients and practitioners, and the technology of medicine. NLM makes graphic, roll-up NLM Traveling Exhibition banner displays available free of charge to libraries and cultural institutions across the United States and around the world.
NLM-ScrubberNLM-Scrubber is freely available tool used for clinical text de-identification. It can be downloaded directly from its website and run locally without any prerequisite installation or Internet connection. This tool uses natural language processing to find personally identifying information and replace them with generic terms in square brackets.
NNLM Repository FinderNNLM Repository Finder was created by NCDS to help librarians and researchers browse and compare different data repositories to find the one that best fits their needs.
Open-iOpen-i allows people to search and retrieve over 3.7 million abstracts and images (including charts, graphs, clinical images, etc.) from open-source literature and biomedical image collections.
PubChemPubChem is the world’s largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. The site provides information on physical and biological properties, safety, toxicity, patents, and
available literature.
RxNorm RxNavThe RxNorm terminology is a standardized vocabulary for human prescription drugs and certain over-the-counter medications available in the United States. The RxNorm terminology links to several other pharmaceutical vocabularies in the RxNorm dataset and is also part of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus.
List of National Library of Medicine product guides with description of each product.